7 de noviembre de 2012

Loop Raccord finalista en el festival HóPlay en Bilbao

Me llena de orgullo que el festival de videojuegos independientes HóPlay, que tendrá lugar en la Alhondiga en Bilbao, haya seleccionado Loop Raccord como finalista a "mejor idea original". Sobre todo estando en compañía de maravillas como Trauma, Fotonica, BariBariBall, Dear Esther o Fingle. Estaré allí del 26 al 28 de Noviembre.

2 comentarios:

  1. Well done friend :)
    I saw Trauma at "la gaîté lyrique" in paris, but couldnt understand what the f we were supposed to do... Polaroids in bushes and strange light signs... I hope I get another chance to play it and figure out.
    Loop Raccord was there, too, and as I was with an ex-poupou, so we enjoyed it as always.
    Great work Nicolai, Maybe we meet again someday.

  2. Give Trauma a chance, it´s really fantastic. You can play a chapter online in the link above. I wish I would get invited by La Gaîté Lyrique some other time!
